A Mediterranean Odyssey

A Journey through Portugal, Spain, France and Italy

Welcome to my dream vacay! For years my family and I have wanted to do this vacation and now we are! We are going to spend a month in Southern Europe! We will be spending a week in each country, starting in Portugal and following the sunrise East to Italy. I've laid out all of our plans and where we hope to stay. Enjoy paloozing and please on the last page leave your tips, thoughts and opinion; I'd love to hear from you!


Lisbon Days 1-3 Seville Days 1-2 Paris Days 1-3 Milan Days 1-2
Sintra Day 4 Madrid Days 3-4 Marseille Days 4-5 Venice Days 2-3
Lagos Day 6 Barcelona Days 5-7 Nice Days 6-7 Florence Days 4-5
Explore Beach Towns Day 7 Rome Days 6-7